• Professional Development Training

    The idea of "Professional Development Training" is a new way to conduct business. But what is a "Brainstorming?"

    "Brainstorming" is described as a meeting or series of meetings, usually scheduled by a team leader to plan the next week's activities. Everyone attends, so that everyone can voice his or her thoughts and suggestions. The purpose of this meeting is to find ways to do business better. This is a time for brainstorming ideas. When brainstorming is conducted effectively, then it produces greater and more creative ideas, which are much more valuable than just the tried and true approaches.

    A "Brainstorming" seminar for managers or professional development training has three important elements. These elements are:

    - Participant-driven decision making - You must have a system of at least two people who may be part of the brainstorming committee. This person(s) should be able to oversee or direct the discussions. They should not be in a position of authority.

    - Tools of the trade: Brainstorming is the ultimate brainstorming - the process of coming up with fresh and unique ideas. Tools of the trade in brainstorming include; paper, pens, paper and pen, paper and pencil, colors, smells, small electrical devices, and so on.

    - Questions: In order to be successful, brainstorming involves discussion of many different subjects, many different thoughts, many different ideas, often without focusing on a single topic. Often the topic of discussion of several topics can cause overlapping thinking and, at times, confusion and frustration. Therefore, questions can be very helpful in brainstorming.

    - Ideas: Finally, you need to bring out the "inner genius." You need to get to know other people and your colleagues, bringing out their inner genius.

    - Group thinking: The brainstorming process requires participants to share ideas in a group and to discuss them with each other. This will result in ideas that would be valuable to your organization.

    - Reciprocity: When everyone participates in brainstorming and engages in the concept of reciprocity, the brainstorming is successful. Everyone in the group will benefit from the discussion and the resulting ideas.

    - Brainstorming with a purpose: When brainstorming with a purpose, you will likely have great success. When brainstorming for the sake of brainstorming, this is a fairly rare event.

    - Outline of your goals: Outlining your goals, or the short term, long term, and ultimate goals of your organization is also very important in brainstorming. By outlining the long term goals of your organization, you will eliminate the confusion that often happens in brainstorming. This will help everyone in the group to focus on the short term goals of the organization.

    In summary, there are five elements that help create a brain storming situation that is productive for all concerned. The ideas that are the result of brainstorming is the most important part.